クリスマスキャンドルは、この世を照らす光として キリストの象徴と言われております。また、この薩摩ボタンでは、1/f(エフ分の1)に着目し、キャンドルの灯の揺らぎを盛金で表現しました。1/f(エフ分の1)とは、波の音、小川のせせらぎ、無垢の木の木目、星のまたたきなど、自然現象のなかに見出され、人をリラックスさせ、癒しの効果もあります。
直径15mm ×厚5mm
Christmas candle(15mm)
There are several unique reasons why candles are linked to Christmas. One of them is that Jesus is sometimes referred to by Christians as ‘the Light of the World’. With this Satsuma button, we kept “1 / f” in mind and expressed the flickering light of a candle with a thick gold texture.1 / f is found in natural phenomena such as the sound of waves, the murmuring of streams, the grain of solid wood, and the twinkling of stars, and has a relaxing and healing effect on people.
Satsuma Button can be sublimated into the one and only work such as “framed”, “obi tie”, “tie tack”, etc. according to the customer’s life scene and uses such as gifts, by adding more effort. .. Please select the desired style from the “Style” menu on the cart. Please note that the possible processing varies depending on the work.
As for “earrings”, “piercings” and “cufflinks”, those are one set with two buttons. The price is for two works plus the processing fee.